Website Alliance for Cape Fear Trees
The Alliance for Cape Fear Trees is a Wilmington, NC based 501(c3) non-profit organization that works to preserve and enhance the tree canopy of southeastern
North Carolina. This dynamic and growing organization was founded in 2015 as a volunteer group, and is now hiring an Executive Director. The position will be a
flexible, full-time position with a starting salary of $45 – 50,000/year depending on qualifications. We are looking for an experienced non-profit leader with a strong
interest in environmental issues, competency in grant-writing and fundraising, and skills in public advocacy.
The Executive Director will work closely with, and be responsible to, an active volunteer Board of Directors. Activities will include organizing tree plantings an
giveaways in the community, fostering public engagement and outreach, and involvement with community partners. A detailed job description may be found at
To be considered, please submit a cover letter, resume, and contact information for three professional references to by Sept 30, 2024.
Equal opportunity employer.
To apply for this job email your details to