Monthly Meeting: SECOND WEDS – Nonprofit Outlook (CapDev)

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Compass Points: Navigating Findings from a Statewide Survey of Nonprofits and Funders

CapDev conducted a first-of-its-kind statewide survey of nonprofits and funders in 2024 – Nonprofit Outlook – and has summarized its key findings in the Compass Report, released at the annual NC Center for Nonprofits Conference. Having gathered input on the results from major NC foundations, CapDev is now sharing key takeaways from the report with the nonprofit sector as a spark to engage deepened communications and to ignite opportunities, furthering our work of constantly making our world better. Join CapDev VP, Clare Jordan, to consider the four key takeaways from the report: reimagine governance structure; educate and empower future workforce; mobilize collaboration for transformative impact; build stronger philanthropic relationships. All of this and much more can be found in the full report here:

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